The World From Where I Stand

Friday, February 4, 2011


I dwell amongst demons and shadows
Far from you, my prophet and sage
Because of your love I have walked on water
Though refused to drink of it
For you I have travelled to the depths of hell
When in your kiss I tasted the glory of heaven

In this haunting abyss
The voice of condition is a persistent reminder
Of what I have forsaken,
And in the profound waters that surround my being,
I am missing among the dead
No salvation or escape from this doom

And as a flower during a thunderstorm,
I struggle to keep my poise
Punisher and savior
Your love is like torrential rain,
Sustaining me and yet death looms in your downpour
Our unspoken agreement reason for my drought

You were once my guide and yet with you I am lost,
I have sacrificed our love to give you wings
And with those, I watch you fly away from where I am traveling
You were once my dream-like reality
But for your existence, I must remain in this nightmare  

I have granted my soul to the bleakness of my doubts
And today my destiny is to wander in limbo
Now a wall exists between two cosmos that once were one
And as musical notes echo in the background,
I contemplate what paths you roam without me

Forced to let go of our love,
My spirit endures, while my mortal breath departs,
Tears fall upon eternity, one without your love
I still sense your timeless presence within
As your undying light illuminates the dark sea I often part

As time stands still as if waiting,
Anticipating our unattainable reunion
Hopeless I face this damned, empty existence
As I can only be whole in you as you are boundless in me
And my only treasure is a glimpse,
A memory of a fate now out of reach

And as I took I must give
Trusting the Universe has its reasons for my sorrow
Eternally yours, though I no longer belong anywhere
As you knew me once without knowing my name
In that bitter-sweet, serendipitous encounter
For love has ordained us no tomorrows

Forevermore I face this hollow eternity
One without you
My once perpetual mystery,
My proverbial love,
My one still relentless uncertainty

As I navigate without a compass toward the infinite horizon,
I float above an ocean of our renounced love
Chaos, gloom and regret are my only passengers
But as I surrender to my fears, I become weightless
And as I let go of my inner torment, I sense your presence once again

Only then do I recognize you, my warrior of light,
Your devotion unlocks the gate I have yearned to enter all my life
No longer condemned, I move peacefully towards your song
And as your drops fall diligently on me,
I find shelter in the gentleness of your rain,
My supple roots at last rejoice,
And forevermore I stand in awe of the shear vastness of your storm.

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